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T.H.E. Wheel

(T.eaching • H.ealing • E.nergy)

MAY 2024

Our teaching for May 5, 2024

Stone no.3

THUNDERBIRD, Element of Fire



















"...there is little proof about the existence of the incredible beings called the Thunderbird but there have been many totems, drawings, beliefs and legends of the spirit throughout different unrelated North American tribes spread out across the continent that it’s hard to not to think that there was a creature like this at some point in time.


The Menominee tribe believed that the Thunderbirds actually lived on a huge mountain that floats in the sky. These incredible spirits are known to control the weather (rain, hail, etc.) and sometimes watch what is happening in human life. It is said that they find great pleasure in fighting and the accomplishment of incredible feats. Thunderbirds are said to be the known enemies of the “Misikinubik” (The Great Horned Snake). They are said to be the reason mankind has not been devoured or overrun.


The Thunderbirds of the Menominee tribe are also known to be messengers of the Great Sun and are highly respected by these peoples.

The way to say Thunderbird in Menominee language is Enaemaehkiw (Eh-na-ma-key)"



From totems for Firebird we learn that the plant is, appropriately, Fireweed.  The Fireweed plant is often one of the first plants to appear in a burned-over or damaged area. It has an extensive root system and spreads quickly, thus helping to heal the Earth in such an area. So we turn to the Fireweed totem for lessons in healing the Earth, in helping ourselves and others heal after cleansing experiences, and in being of service to all our relations.  From the mineral totem, Lava Rock, born of Fire from the depths of Earth Mother, it offers inner depth, evolution and purification to all of Mother's children. When you study Lava Rock and connect with it, you will find many deeper teachings.  And the color for the Stone honoring Thunderbird is Vivid Red. Use this color when you need physical strength or an assist to take action; also at those times when you need fearlessness or warrior/leader energy. Fearlessness and warrior/leader energies are not something one needs all the time, so choose this powerful color wisely.


- words shared from ewebtribe/starspiderdancing

In keeping with our tradition of sharing the teaching each month, we hope you will join us on Zoom,

Sunday, May 5 @2pm ET and hear how this stone was interpreted by through HeartSpace by: 

  • Carol Vaccariello, Ilene Hopps, 

    Nancy Jackson, 

    Heidi Sutton, 

    Judy Sasala, 

    and Vicki Grace



    YOU are always welcome to add your voice as well, or just sit back and absorb.


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