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T.H.E. Wheel

(T.eaching • H.ealing • E.nergy)


Our teaching for 2024 begins with


The center of the Medicine Wheel


In its singularity, and in its sacred creation, Creator brings forth everything that exists in the Wheel, representing all of creation.


The Creator stone is the place on the Medicine Wheel that teaches you about your own ability to create, about your faith, about your own sacredness, and about your ability to develop to your fullest.


Because the Creator is within everything there are no totems associated with this position.  All minerals, all plants, all animals, all colors, all humans, all spirits are part of the Creator.


The object, depicting the Creator force can be anything.

In keeping with our tradition of sharing the teaching each month, we hope you will join us on Zoom, Sunday, January 7th @2pm ET and hear how this stone was interpreted by the following individuals: 

  • Carol Vaccariello will welcome everyone, lead the smudging, and teach us through music and more

  • Judy Sasala will open and close the Wheel, calling in the Directions

  • Vicki Grace will share the mineral(s) she chose for Creator

  • Ilene Hopps will share the plant(s) she chose for Creator

  • Nancy Jackson will share the animal(s) she chose for Creator

  • and Heidi Sutton will share the color(s) she chose for Creator

Some people have used crystal clusters, cow skulls, trees, and contained fires.  The Creator is all of these and none.  An object representing this place can be of deep significance to the person/people building the Wheel.


When you are afraid, when you do not have enough energy, when you feel that you do not really have a deep knowledge of the universe, you should go to the center of the Medicine Wheel and ask for the help that you need.  When you are not quite sure what your spiritual values are, when you feel the need for change, or when you desire an initiation into a different way of seeing life, at all of these times you should go to the center of the Medicine Wheel, to the Creator.


The Creator is life's beginning and ending, the great mystery within and around all things, the universal energy, that which many people address as God.

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